Born Accomplishment: Coretta Campbell

Coretta Campbell

Tracy Lynn Jewelry Consultant


Dhylles Davis: Who is Coretta Campbell?

Coretta Campbell: Coretta Campbell is a wife, Mom of 2 beautiful children a Glamma and a good friend.

Dhylles: When did you realize you were born an accomplishment?

Coretta: I realized I was born an accomplishment when I found my ability to want better in myself and helping others.

Dhylles: When did you discover your purpose?

Coretta: I discovered my purpose upon joining Traci Lynn Jewelry and the difference I was making in women just with fashion jewelry.

Dhylles: How did you turn self-sabotage into self-love and acceptance?

Coretta: I turned self sabotage into self-love and acceptance when I let go past hurt and pain and had the ability to forgive and love me.

Dhylles: How do you practice being selfish and selfless?

Coretta: I am selfish when it comes to wanting others to see their potential and remembering everyone is at their own potential.

Dhylles: Thanks so much for sharing Coretta!


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